This policy covers all visitors to Rose Dewar’s website at rosedewar.com.
Rose Dewar is committed to safeguarding the privacy of users and providing quality of service. Under the terms of the Data Protection legislation, we are required to explain to you how we will treat any personal and/or private data which we collect from you.
This page details what information we hold about you and how this information will be used.
Who we are | Information collection and use | Personal data | Cookie Policy | Privacy and security | Contact us
In this policy the terms “us”, “we” and “our” refer to Rose Dewar. The terms “you”, “your” and “yours” refer to you, the website visitor.
This privacy policy only covers this website. Any other websites which may be linked to by our website are subject to their own policy, which may differ from ours.
General use of our website does not require any registration, allowing you to visit our site without telling us who you are.
We do not collect any information about you via the website.
We do not collect any personal data about you.
General use of our website does not require any registration, allowing you to visit our site without telling us who you are.
Our website does not use internet browser cookies.
If you share our content through social media, for example by liking us on Facebook, or tweeting about us on Twitter, those social networks will record that you have done so and may set a cookie for this purpose.
If you are visiting our website from outside the United Kingdom, please be aware that you are connecting to servers in the United Kingdom where our website is located.
If you have any further questions about Rose Dewar’s collection and storage of data, please contact us by email.